5 actionable holistic wellness exercises to brighten your day
Firstly, let’s begin with what I mean when I say holistic wellness
What is holistic wellness?
Holistic wellness and holistic health don’t focus on one area of the body or several specific practices. It’s an approach that considers all the aspects of physical and mental health to create the perfect balance and foster overall well-being.
Holistic wellness emphasizes the whole person and fosters a lifestyle that nurtures this wholeness. The best definition of holistic wellness holistic health can be summed up as the following:
- It’s a system of collective healthcare where the whole individual is considered.
- It focuses on the connection between body, mind, and spirit.
- It recognizes the connection between emotions, mental health, and physical well-being.
- It’s a lifestyle rather than a treatment for one or more specific issues.
If you want to explore and embrace this robust lifestyle, I created a guide to help you with that. You can get instant access to the Inner Harmony Outer Glow guide for $7 USD here (or by clicking on the image below.)
To begin practicing holistic health, you don’t need to look further than your home and yourself.
The following
5 holistic wellness exercises for your practice
Start your day with a positive thought
The waking and sleeping hours are a prime time to master your thoughts and emotions. In the place between sleeping and waking, turn your thoughts as positive as possible. These states are more powerful and set the tone for the rest of the day or night.
For example, the first thing I do when I wake up before even opening my eyes is say, “Hello, beautiful day!”
5 minute gratitude practice for holistic wellness
Keeping a gratitude journal is perfect for appreciating what you are and all you have accomplished and experienced. The fact of the matter is that human appreciation is arbitrary and irrational. We can work towards a goal for 5 years and appreciate its completion for a week. We must reframe our gratitude and appreciation to be joyful for everything, not just the big dreams.
For example, every night, before I fall asleep, I recall 5 things I’m grateful for and appreciate having experienced throughout that day. Nothing is too small or big for that.
One hour a day for yourself only
Put yourself first with vacations, massages, concerts, spa weekends, or whatever fulfills you or you want to do. It can be something as small or big as you want. You deserve undistracted enjoyment, and it is what you are here for. Sadly, most people think life is supposed to be a painful chore or experience it as such, creating so much stress and suffering for them. Do not do this to yourself. And, of course, it doesn’t need to be one exact hour. However, put yourself on your calendar for at least 10 to 15 minutes daily.
For instance, aside from many other things I love to do for myself, there’s one simple thing I do every day for around 30-40 minutes–in the evening, after my family and I have dinner, I have my own time alone to watch one of my favorite TV shows or sometimes a fun and sweet comedy or romantic movie. Alone!
Focus on your own happiness guide
Stop interfering with others at all costs. There is a kind of “virus” going around where people are trying to make the world a “better place” by pointing out the “flaws” with headlines like “times have never been better to… by a gigantic margin.” If you do not focus on your own self-growth and expansion, you will never grow, expand, and improve. And you will find many similarly interfering in your life.
In this article, you’ll discover the essentials of living in genuine happiness. Plus, 6 questions to ask yourself that will support you in creating your own happiness guide to experience more harmony and joy in everyday life.
Meditate on love
Lastly, meditate on love or focus on the heart chakra. Ancient spiritual scriptures recommend this. If you put your energy there for extended periods, the heart chakra is a doorway to the higher self/your soul.
These are 5 of my favorite sound meditations and healing music by Templesounds for the heart chakra. You can meditate on them or listen to the sound (preferably using headphones)
Additional resources for your holistic wellness practice
In conclusion, I’m sharing a few additional resources to help you on this journey.
Inner Harmony Outer Glow Guide. Inside, you will discover 7 simple home practices for mindful, holistic wellness and health that you can start implementing today to help you create optimum and lasting health and well-being.
15-minute video training about what Mindfulness is and how to practice it easily.
In this video, I talk about the psychology of mindfulness, the concept of the monkey mind, and one of the foundations of practicing mindfulness-self-directed focus. You will discover the repeating cycle of mindfulness and how to guide your attention back to what is in front of you when your mind begins to wander. We’ll also practice a 3-minute breath meditation with me to deepen your understanding of the cycle.
👇 Click on the image below to play the video.👇
Is stress stealing your joy?
Join the Stress Disrupt Club community and get actionable insights and resources on reducing stress, calming your mind, and reigniting your creativity. The Stress Disrupt Club is the go-to place for women entrepreneurs 40+ juggling business and (mid) life responsibilities, looking for ways to release stress, avoid burnout, and infuse more joy and creativity into their lives.
You will find practical insights and heartfelt experiences I created with you in mind—a midlife woman entrepreneur. We dive deep into holistic self-care practices that help you manage stress and boost your resilience and overall well-being. Curious about mindfulness and meditation? I’ve got you covered with private podcast episodes that break down these concepts into easy-to-follow routines, including guided resources for practice. My mission is to help you stay present, reduce anxiety, and cultivate more joy in your life and business. It’s kinda like having a personal coach guiding you towards a more balanced, joyful, and fulfilling life.
Join now and start nurturing your body, mind, and spirit so you can finally feel the energy, creativity, and pure joy to live an unfolded life–and, you know, love your work, too–even when life throws obstacles at your everyday flow. And trust me, when you prioritize yourself, everything else falls into place.