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Nature walk and my fall self-care routine

Falling for you, crisp air and my easy self-care routine guide


As I sit here, sipping my warm rooibos tea and watching the leaves outside my home office window turn vibrant shades of red and gold, I can’t help but feel a sense of renewal. Fall has always been my favorite season, not just for its cozy aesthetics, but for the opportunity it presents to reset and refocus. 


For us women solopreneurs over 40, particularly those of us in the online space as coaches, course and digital product creators or membership owners, fall can be a pivotal time to reassess our routines and prioritize self-care. Trust me, I’ve learned this lesson the hard way over my years of building my online business.


Today, I want to share with you my personal approach to creating a fall self-care routine that has not only nurtured my well-being over the last years but also has set the stage for making better business decisions and creating a more aligned life. 


So, grab your favorite fall beverage, and let’s dive in!


Why fall is the perfect time for a self-care reset


Before we get into the nitty-gritty of crafting how I crafted my fall self-care routine (and I hope it will help you to do the same for you), let’s talk about why this season is so ideal for a reset. 


In my experience, fall brings a unique energy – a blend of reflection and motivation. As the summer rush fades and we settle into cooler days, there’s a natural inclination to slow down and turn inward. This makes it the perfect time to evaluate our habits and routines.


For me, fall has always signaled a fresh start, much like the beginning of a new school or college year (remember those days?). It’s a time when I feel most inspired to make positive changes in my life and business. And let’s face it, as women solopreneurs over 40, we’ve got a lot on our plates, aren’t we? 


Between managing your business, possibly juggling family responsibilities, and navigating the physical and emotional changes that come with this stage of life, a well-crafted self-care routine isn’t just nice to have – it’s essential.


The importance of self-care for women solopreneurs


Now, I know what some of you might be thinking. “Peppa, I barely have time to breathe, let alone indulge in fall self-care routine!” Trust me, I’ve been there. In the early days of my business, I was all hustle and no pause. I thought self-care was a luxury I couldn’t afford.


But here’s what I’ve learned: self-care isn’t selfish, it’s strategic. It’s not about pampering yourself (though that can be part of it for sure. Who doesn’t love the essence of a drop of lavender scent in their body essentials, or is it only me?! 😅). It’s about maintaining your most valuable business asset – you.


As women over 40, you bring a wealth of experience and wisdom to your work. But you can only leverage these assets if you’re operating at your best. A solid self-care routine helps you manage stress, boost creativity, improve decision-making, and ultimately, run your businesses more effectively.


My personal fall self-care routine


So, what does a fall self-care routine look like for a busy online solopreneur? Let me walk you through mine. Remember, this is what works for me – feel free to adapt and adjust based on your own needs and preferences.


1. Morning mindfulness


I start each day with a 15-minute mindfulness practice. This could be meditation, journaling, or simply sitting quietly with my thoughts. I’ve found that this sets a calm, focused tone for the rest of my day. It helps me approach my work with clarity and intention, rather than immediately diving into the chaos of emails and to-do lists.


2. Seasonal movement


As the weather cools, I transition my movement routine. Instead of my summer nature walks and hiking (I still do them but cold isn’t really my jam, so they’re much quicker), I’ve upped my yoga and QiGong practices. Not only does this keep me physically healthy, but it also helps manage the joint stiffness that can come with cooler weather (hello, 40s and above!). Plus, the meditative aspect of yoga complements my morning mindfulness practice.


3. Nourishing nutrition


Fall is the perfect time to focus on warming, nourishing foods. I make a point of incorporating seasonal produce like sweet potato, grapes, plumps and green vegetables into my meals. I’ve found that this supports my physical health and also helps me feel more connected to the rhythm of the seasons.


4. Cozy work environment


As an online solopreneurs, I spend a lot of time in my home office. During fall, I make a point of creating a cozy, inspiring workspace. This includes things like warm lighting, comfortable throws, and fall-scented candles. It might seem small, but I’ve found that a comfortable environment significantly boosts my productivity and creativity.


5. Regular nature breaks


Even as the weather cools (not a cool person 😂), I make sure to spend time outdoors as much as possible. Whether it’s a quick walk around the block or a weekend hike to enjoy the fall foliage (and take some great photos), connecting with nature helps me stay grounded and reduces stress. Plus, it’s a great way to get some natural light, which is crucial for maintaining energy levels as the days get shorter.



fall self-care routine and fall leaves



6. Evening wind-down routine


As solopreneurs, it can be tempting to work late into the night. But I’ve learned the hard way that this often leads to burnout. My fall evening routine includes shutting down work at a consistent time, enjoying a relaxing activity (like reading or watching one of my favorite shows), and practicing good sleep hygiene. This helps me recharge and show up fully for my business and clients and customers the next day.


7. Weekly planning and reflection


Every monday, I take time to draft a plan for the week ahead and reflect on the week that’s passed. Usually, I’m not a “planning everything” type of person because I love to follow my intuition and flow. However, as an entrepreneur, I know that knowing where to focus is essential.


I love using the ease of Google Docs to create a checklist-style plan and break it down to small steps of the things I need to do for my projects. That helps me tackle this process quickly. My “checklist-style plan” practice helps me stay aligned with my goals and intentions, and make fast adjustments as needed. It’s also a great guide to celebrate wins and learn from challenges as I’m documenting my process.

Crafting your own fall self-care routine


Now that I’ve shared my fall self-care routine, let’s talk about how you can create one that works for you. Remember, the goal isn’t to copy someone else’s routine, but to develop practices that support your unique needs and lifestyle.


1. Assess your current routine


Start by taking a hard look at your current daily routine. What’s working? What’s not? Are there areas where you consistently feel stressed or overwhelmed? These pain points are often good indicators of where you need to incorporate more self-care.


2. Identify your self-care needs


Next, think about what self-care means to you. For some, it might be physical activities like exercise or massage. For others, it might be mental practices like meditation or journaling. Consider what activities leave you feeling refreshed and energized.


3. Set realistic goals


When it comes to establishing a new routine, it’s easy to get overzealous. But trying to change everything at once often leads to frustration and giving up. Instead, start small. Choose one or two practices to incorporate into your routine and build from there.


4. Schedule it


As solopreneurs, we know that what gets scheduled gets done. Treat your self-care activities like important business appointments. Block out time in your calendar for these practices and honor these commitments to yourself.


5. Be flexible


While consistency is important, don’t be too rigid with your routine. Life happens, and some days you might not be able to stick to your plan. That’s okay. The key is to return to your routine when you can, without beating yourself up over missed days.


6. Regularly reassess


Your needs may change as the season progresses, or you might find that certain practices aren’t serving you as well as you’d hoped. Make a point of regularly reassessing your routine and making adjustments as needed.


Fall self-care ideas for busy solopreneurs


Now that I’ve covered the basics of creating a fall self-care routine, let me share some specific ideas that work well for busy solopreneurs like me and you:


  • Morning pages: Start your day with three pages of stream-of-consciousness writing. This practice, popularized by Julia Cameron in “The Artist’s Way,” can help clear your mind and boost creativity.
  • Seasonal decluttering: Use the change of seasons as a prompt to declutter your workspace. A tidy environment can reduce stress and increase productivity.
  • Digital detox: Set aside time each week to unplug from your devices. This can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality.
  • Learn something new: Fall is a great time to pick up a new skill. Whether it’s related to your business or a personal interest, learning keeps your mind sharp and can spark new ideas.
  • Gratitude practice: End each day by noting three things you’re grateful for. This simple practice can significantly boost mood and overall well-being.
  • Meal prep sundays: If you love not having “what should I eat” thoughts and want to keep it healthy but don’t have much time (or mood) to busy yourself with daily cooking, prepare healthy meals for the week ahead. This ensures you’re nourishing your body properly, even during busy workdays.
  • Power naps: If you’re feeling sluggish in the afternoon, try a 20-minute power nap. I’ve found this can be more refreshing than an extra cup of coffee.
  • Boundaries check: Use this time to reassess your business boundaries. Are you overextending yourself? Are there areas where you need to say ‘no’ more often?
  • Creative Time: Schedule regular time for creative activities unrelated to your business. This could be painting, writing, crafting – whatever speaks to you.
    Connect with Nature: Bring elements of nature into your workspace with plants or a small desktop fountain (or a bowl with chestnuts, like me). These can help create a calm, focused environment.


Overcoming common fall self-care routine challenges


As women solopreneurs, we face unique challenges when it comes to prioritizing self-care. Here are some common obstacles I’ve encountered and how I’ve learned to overcome them:


1. Guilt


Many of us struggle with feeling guilty about taking time for ourselves. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish – it’s necessary. By taking care of yourself, you’re ensuring you can show up fully for your business, your clients, and your loved ones.


2. Time constraints


With busy schedules, it can feel impossible to find time for fall self-care routine. (Please, don’t tell me I’m alone on that, at least my “old” me 😅) The key is to start small. Even five minutes of deep breathing or a quick walk around the block can make a difference. Look for ways to integrate self-care into your existing routine, like listening to a guided meditation or doing stretches while waiting for your coffee to brew.


3. Perfectionism


Are you a high-achieving solopreneur? I am. And if you’re like me, you probably often fall into the trap of thinking you need to do self-care ‘perfectly’. But self-care isn’t about perfection – it’s about consistency. It’s better to do a little bit regularly than to aim for an elaborate routine that you can’t maintain.


4. Lack of support


If your loved ones don’t understand the importance of your fall self-care routine, it can be challenging to stick with it. Communicate openly about why self-care is crucial for you and your business. You might even inspire them to develop their own self-care practices!


5. Changing needs


As we navigate our 40s and beyond, our self-care needs may change. Hormonal shifts, changing family dynamics, and evolving business goals can all impact what you need from your self-care routine. Be open to adjusting your practices as needed.


The business benefits of a solid fall self-care routine


Now, let’s talk about how a fall self-care routine can positively impact your business. In my experience, consistent self-care has led me to:


  • Improved decision making: When I’m well-rested and centered, I make better business decisions. I’m less likely to react impulsively and more likely to consider the long-term implications of my choices.
  • Increased creativity: Regular self-care practices, especially those that involve unplugging from work, often lead to creative breakthroughs. Some of my best business ideas have come during or after fall self-care activities.
  • Better time management: By prioritizing my fall self-care routine, I’ve become more intentional with my time overall. This has led to improved productivity and efficiency in my business.
  • Enhanced resilience: Entrepreneurship comes with its share of challenges. A solid self-care routine has helped me build resilience, allowing me to bounce back more quickly from setbacks.
  • Improved client relationships: When I’m taking good care of myself, I show up more fully for my clients. I’m more present, patient, and able to provide better support.
  • Authentic marketing: My self-care journey has become part of my brand story. Sharing my experiences has helped me connect more authentically with my audience and attract clients and customers who value holistic success.


Prioritizing mental and emotional wellbeing


Let’s talk about something that’s close to my heart – mental and emotional wellbeing. As the days get shorter and the air gets cooler, it’s easy to let our emotional needs slide. But trust me, as someone who’s been there and done that, neglecting your mental health is a fast track to a burnout city.


So, how do you keep your mind as crisp and vibrant as those fall leaves? Here are some practices that have been game-changers for me:


Journaling and self-reflection


I’ve found that fall is the perfect time to cozy up with a warm cup of tea and my journal. There’s something about the changing season that invites introspection. I like to ask myself questions like:


  • What do I want to focus on this fall?
  • How am I feeling as the seasons change, and why?
  • What habits do I want to carry into this new season?


Getting these thoughts out of my head and onto paper helps me gain clarity and spot any patterns in my emotions or behavior.


Setting mental health goals


Just like you set business goals, setting mental health goals can be incredibly powerful. Maybe it’s practicing meditation for 10 minutes each day, or committing to a weekly therapy session. Whatever it is, make it specific and achievable. My current goal? Learning to say “no” without feeling guilty (still a work in progress, but hey, we’re all on a journey, right?).


Daily gratitude practice


This one’s a biggie, lovely. Every evening, before I close my laptop for the day, I jot down three things I’m grateful for. It could be as simple as “that perfect latte I had this morning” or as profound as “the support of my amazing community.” This practice has been a total game-changer in shifting my perspective, especially on those days when everything seems to be going sideways.


Mindfulness moments


As busy solopreneurs, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle. But I’ve learned (the hard way) that constantly operating at full throttle is a recipe for disaster. That’s why I’ve started incorporating mindfulness moments throughout my day. It could be as simple as taking three deep breaths before starting a client call, or doing a quick body scan while waiting for my coffee to brew. These little moments of presence add up and help keep me grounded.


Embracing fall activities


Now, let’s talk about the fun stuff! Fall isn’t just about pumpkin spice lattes (though, let’s be honest, they’re pretty great). It’s about embracing all the cozy, joyful experiences this season has to offer. Here are some of my favorite ways to infuse a little fall magic into my fall self-care routine:


Seasonal skincare shift


As the air gets drier, your skin needs a little extra TLC. I’ve switched to a richer moisturizer and added a hydrating serum to my routine. And don’t forget the SPF, ladies! Just because we’re not lounging by the pool doesn’t mean those UV rays aren’t still doing their thing. (I love my British Summer Time by Pai Skincare


Wardrobe update


There’s something so satisfying about swapping out my summer clothes for cozy sweaters and fall sneakers. It’s not just about staying warm – it’s about feeling confident and put-together. Plus, it’s a great excuse to do a closet clean-out and donate items I’m no longer using.


Fall-inspired beauty


Try experimenting with deeper, richer makeup shades in the fall. A berry lip or smokey eyes can be such a mood-booster. And let’s not forget about nail polish – there’s nothing like a deep burgundy or forest green to get me in the autumn spirit.


Joy-sparking activities


What activities make you feel connected to the season? For me, it’s things like going for a walk to see the changing leaves, visiting a local farmer’s market, or having a cozy movie night with a bowl of homemade soup. Make a list of activities that bring you joy and try to incorporate at least one each week.


Seasonal sips and snacks

Fall flavors are the best, aren’t they? I love starting my day with a warm rooibos tea or ending it with a mug of homemade hot oat chocolate. And don’t even get me started on the snacks – roasted pumpkin seeds, apple slices with cinnamon, warm from the oven honey-oatmeal cookies… excuse me while I go raid my pantry! 😅


Fall routine reset checklist


Alright, let’s bring it all together with a handy checklist. This isn’t meant to be exhaustive – think of it as a starting point for your own personalized fall self-care reset:


  1. Evaluate current routines and identify areas for improvement
  2. Set 2-3 specific mental health goals for the season
  3. Create a cozy workspace with fall-inspired touches
  4. Update skincare routine for cooler weather
  5. Refresh wardrobe for fall
  6. Plan weekly fall-inspired activities
  7. Establish a daily gratitude practice
  8. Incorporate mindfulness moments throughout the day
  9. Try a new fall recipe each week
  10. Schedule regular check-ins with yourself to assess how your new routines are working


Remember, this checklist isn’t about adding more to your plate – it’s about intentionally crafting a season that nourishes your mind, body, and spirit. Feel free to adapt it to fit your unique needs and lifestyle.


Final thoughts


Creating a fall self-care routine is about more than just pampering yourself (though there’s nothing wrong with a little pampering!). It’s about setting yourself up for success in your business and your life. As women solopreneurs over 40, we’ve worked hard to get where we are. We owe it to ourselves to prioritize our well-being so we can continue to grow, thrive, and make our unique impact on the world.


Remember, self-care looks different for everyone. What matters is that you find practices that resonate with you and commit to them consistently. Start small, be patient with yourself, and enjoy the process of creating a fall self-care routine that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit.


As we move into this beautiful season of change, I encourage you to embrace the opportunity for renewal. Your business – and your life – will thank you for it.


Now, I’d love to hear from you. What does your fall self-care routine look like? What challenges do you face in prioritizing self-care? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


To a season of growth, both personal and professional. Happy fall, lovely!


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