How to start practicing Mindfulness – FREE Training

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The Unfolded Edge Blog

Insights and stories that come from the boundaries of conventional living, the “supposed” way of running an online business, and the limitless nature of thought, creativity, and personal growth, which I welcome you to consider as an invitation to explore your edges and open up for new possibilities–where life (and business) truly becomes exciting and fulfilling.

Walking for stress relief and creativity


How I walk my way to more creativity and breakthroughs one step at a time

How walking for stress relief and creativity can transform your business decisions–a women business owners’ guide for integrating mindful walks into your busy schedule

Explore by categories


Enhance your physical health and bring peace and balance to your mind, body and spirit

about cultivating mindful self-care rituals and empowering holistic practices into your every day and live a joyful, active life that thrives on well-being


Living mindfully is one of the most extraordinary things you can do for yourself

about the depth of understanding and level of insight about your body, mind, environment, and life that comes with practicing mindfulness


Building and running a harmonious online business with love and integrity

about the freedom and transformation that comes from engaging deeply with the creative and reflective process of building and running an online biz


If you want to create a change you have to begin with yourself then the little ripples of empowerment follow

about choices, shifts and observing the change with curiosity, awe, and gratitude, for it can bring expansion and new wisdom about who you are, which is the foundation of who you become

The latest musings on the blog